Skin Classic
Skin Classic
Skin Classic For Minor Skin Irregularities
The Skin Classic High frequency technology for the rapid treatment of minor skin irregularities such as telangiectasis, spider naevi, cherry angiomas, fibromas, skin tags, hyperpigmentation, milia, cholesterol deposits and acne pimples. The Skin Classic treatments are quick, and may not even touch the surface. Small skin tags or blood spots disappear immediately and hyper pigmented areas such as liver or “age spots take only a few seconds. There is minimal discomfort for the client and healing time is short, from a day or two and skin tags to a few weeks for larger skin abnormalities such as fibromas.
How does the Skin Classic work?
It uses radio, high frequency current which electro-desiccates and electro-coagulates minor irregularities on the surface of the skin. Moisture in the tissue is vaporized.